The Acupuncture Facial
Acupuncture facial rejuvenation is a near painless procedure where whisker-thin needles are placed at specific points on the face to cause micro-trauma which stimulates collagen and elastin production, tones facial muscles, promotes lymph drainage to eliminate waste and increases circulation which brings nutrients to the face. All of this helps to improve skin tone and texture, even out complexion and fill in fine lines and wrinkles.
The overall results are a brighter, glowing, more even complexion with increased tone to the skin. Results are achieved in two main ways; by treating locally on the face and systematically on the body. Body points are selected specific to your concerns to help support the results desired.
All acupuncture facials include classic fire cupping when indicated for each client.
The Acupuncture Facial
is great for:
Fine Lines
Under-eye Bags
Facial Paralysis
Increase Elasticity
Build Collagen
Improve Complexion
Even Skin Tone
Reduce Puffiness
How long has it been practiced?
This non-surgical procedure dates back as far as the Song Dynasty (960-1279) in China and was sought out by those in the royal court and wealthy elite to maintain their beauty and longevity. Facial rejuvenation has now become available for anyone looking to keep that youthful healthy glow and reduce signs of aging in an affordable,
safe and effective way. Acupuncture facial rejuvenation utilizes the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine to achieve outstanding and lasting results by not only treating the exterior, but working to balance your system internally as well.
What to expect with an Acupuncture Facial
The initial treatment involves before photos and an intake to understand any imbalances in your system as well as what your main focus is. We will go over a brief health, lifestyle and beauty history, which includes tongue and pulse diagnostics.
Cosmetic treatments are set up similar to a massage; you will be asked to undress to your comfort level and get tucked between soft sheets on a heated and padded massage table.
Treatment will begin with a cleanser and toner, followed by a small amount of acupuncture body points to stimulate Qi and blood flow production in the body.
Next, tiny needles are placed in the face in areas specific to your condition. We end with a routine western facial to slough off any dead skin and nourish new skin cells.
We allow everything to sit for 20 minutes to give you time to relax.
After the needles are removed, a hot compress is applied followed with a facial serum, facial oil, cupping or gua sha and finally a shoulder, neck and scalp massage.
Zero toxic chemicals are used! All topical products used at Courtney Rose acupuncture are plant based, natural and non-toxic, some are ancient Chinese herbal formulas ground into powders or serums.
There is no recovery time after treatment.
The amount of treatments needed is based upon your desired results. 1-2 sessions per month is recommended for maintenance and prevention. Coming in once per week for 6-10 weeks is best for reducing or eliminating current signs of aging or skin issues.
With proper at-home care, hydration and nutrition, results can last upwards of 4-7 years. It is recommended to come in for “tune-up” visits once per month to maintain results.
The great thing about getting acupuncture is that no matter what you come in for, the way we achieve results is to realign or balance out your whole system. While our main focus will be to send your Qi and blood to your face, we will be including body points that help to restore any imbalances that may be present and contributing to your health status.
Many people will notice a general improvement in their overall well-being as well as feeling extra relaxed for days after their treatment.
Steps for Care
Please avoid taking anti-inflammatory medication, drinking alcohol, or taking fish oil to reduce chances of bleeding and bruising.
After your facial, do not wash your face, exercise (sweat can cause irritation), or apply makeup.
Avoid prolonged sun exposure for 3 days afterwards (wear a hat!), use a high quality clean sunscreen, and hydrate!